Friday, July 16, 2010

What can I do if the company I worked refuses to pay salary owed if i choose to end my employment with them?

My agreement says that I will work a certain amount of days per year. My salary would be paid biweekly over the course of the calendar year. I worked my days and chose to end my employment with that company 3 months after working the agreed upon days. They were very disgruntled by my leaving and are refusing to pay and in fact are saying that I may owe them money. They owe me about a month in salary. There is no union, and I was an at will employee, all I have is that agreement and they admitted that I worked my days. What are my options? No money for a lawyer.

What can I do if the company I worked refuses to pay salary owed if i choose to end my employment with them?
It depends upon the fine print. Your agreement ("contract") may contain conditions that would hold up your pay, such as length you worked there, advanced notice, etc. Baring any problems, you should have received your pay on schedule even though you no longer work there.

(I am no lawyer, this is not legal advice, for guidence talk to a local lawyer.....)

If you decide you want to fight them legally, follow certain steps.

1. Do talk to a local lawyer for advice. Who knows, they might even take your case.

2. Keep copies of everything, email letters, everything

3. Let them take you to court. With no money for a lawyer, it is relativly simple to counter sue them. (Be warned that it can take a while)

Or, you can complain to the BBB until you are blue in the face.

Hope this helps, Good Luck...............

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